+34 619 627 363

Discover the night sky in Lanzarote

Unforgetable experience!


A different way to enjoy the nighttime

Observations from Observatorio Nazaret MPC-J47.

You will be able to use huge telescopes to watch celestial objects like stars, planets or and the Moon, which are visible in a clear sky.Chill out atmosphere and safe.

Reduced groups:

Outdoor telescopes for sky observations, constellations, deep sky, stars, planets.. An universe over your eyes
Great and unique experience.


per person: 45€ (1,5hour)
Maximum 10 people groups

Bookings through wsp :+34 619627363

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Hola, soy Gustavo, en que puedo ayuarte?
Hi there, I'm Gustavo, how can i help you?